
Current Owner: Scott K.
Current Location:
  Gilroy, California
Original Owner: Yes
Location Purchased:
Direct from the Gibson Custom Shop

012 was found by it's own right at the Gibson Custom Shop.  It's a Sunset Glow, right handed stop tailpiece example and it looks like it's on fire with all it's flame.   Here's what it's owner has to say about it!

Very cool site!  I totally love my guitar serial number  012!!   Here's a little history.  I was an invited guest of, and was actually present at, the Gibson Custom Shop the week of July 14 through July 18, 2004, the week Gibson announced and launched the   guitar (Summer 2003 NAMM show in Nashville).  To the best of my knowledge, Number 012 was the sixth guitar to roll out of the Gibson Custom shop.  The first two being the artists 0001 and 0002, then the two that were built up for the launch at the 2003 Nashville NAMM show (I believe these were S/N's 009 and 015, but I'm not 100% sure ... I wish I had written this stuff down), then one other was built prior to mine (I believe it was S/N 014, but again I'm not 100% sure).  S/N 012 was next, number six to complete assembly at the Custom Shop.  The Custom Shop drove us up to Gibson corporate headquarters and gave us a sneak preview of the guitar, as well as the other new models, on Tuesday July 15, 3-days before the official announcement to the world on Friday 3/18 at the NAMM show.  They actually let us play all their new models, including the two guitars that were destined for the NAMM show.  Which, I found incredibly amazing, considering on Tuesday these were the ONLY two guitars in existence for the show!  I had been considering a 336, but once I played the modern classic, that was it ... I knew I had to have one!  The next day, Wednesday July 16th, I personally went down to the Custom Shop and walked the entire assembly line looking for guitars in various stages of manufacture.  There were maybe five of t hem in various stages of manufacture.  I found #012 in fretting.  SN 012 (as well as #014) had the two best flame tops in the factory, the body was well balanced and I liked the neck a lot.  I of course, could not play it, since there was no hardware or electronics on it yet.  I decided to take a chance.  I personally followed SN 012 to the final assembly area, ran off to find the Gibson CS sales guy, and bought the guitar on the spot.  The CS luthier who completed the hardware and electronics assembly and setup knew I had just purchased the guitar.  So, when he was done, he called me over and offered to let me "try it out" right in the Custom Shop final assembly area ... what a thrill
that was!  I have some great pictures.  I attached a picture of me holding #012 in the final assembly area, just before final electronics and setup. This was not a digital picture, but a regular 35mm picture I scanned into a digital file, so it may not be the best quality picture.  Thanks for an interesting site and publicizing this wonderful guitar! 

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