
Current Owner:  Russ L.
Current Location: Kansas
Original Owner: No

"In 2004, bought a JA from a shop on 6th St in downtown San Diego. In a moment of sheer insanity I sold it.

Soon realized money was a poor substitute for the JA! That one was a serial in the 70's, maybe JA 078.

11 yrs of watching for just the right JA to replace it paid off - bought JA 029 in Dec, 2015 (Thanks, Mike!).


I'm a happy boy again.

Of my 20+ guitars, this is the youngest."



Prev Owner:  Michael B.
Prev Location:  Sanford Florida
Original Owner: No
Purchase Location: Originally sold by Wilcutt Guitars
Alterations: none

 029 was originally sold by Willcutt Guitars in Lexington, KY.  Apparently the original owner opted to sell it and it
recently sold on ebay  This guitar was purchased by Michael B. who currently owns  064, a Bigsby equipped  .   Yeah, I know the feeling Mike, I've got two  's too!


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