Current Owner: Steve W.
Current Location:
  Lafayette, CO
Original Owner: Yes
Purchase Location: Wildwood Guitars
Alterations: None

 042 is a stop tail piece, sunset glow guitar. Here's what Steve has to say about his axe:

I've been playing off and on for 30 or so years, bass player in rock and jazz groups through high school and college and all.  I even got to play with Paul Butterfield once when his guy was sick.  When I stopped playing in bands I gravitated to finger style and classical acoustic music but, lacking "talent" it was mostly a rainy day hobby.  Along the way I acquired a mint, original 62 ES-335 with a Bigsby with the intent to learn how to play lead guitar.  Before getting very far, it along with my Martin d-28, an EB-2 bass, and my Alvarez classical guitar were stolen.  Miraculously, the police recovered all but the ES-335.  Ever since (this happened in the late 70's) I've been looking for something that sounded as good as the ES but never found one I liked.  Just in the last year or so I started playing a lot and re-kindled my desire to learn how to play lead guitar.  I bought a PRS at Wildwood Guitars (Louisville, CO) and became friends with the owner.  I kept going back to the store and playing hollow-bodies and was zeroing in on either an ES-175 or a historic reissue ES-335.  I was actually a day or two away from making up my mind and buying one when I happened to be in Wildwood the day these guitars arrived.  Its looks blew me away and its sonic properties when played acoustically were everything I'd been dreaming of.  Then we plugged it in to a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and it was all over...out came the checkbook.


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