Present Owner: Judd
Purchase Location:  Guitar Center, Salt Lake City

I purchased this Johnny A (JA 058) used in October 2015. Certainly one of the nicest guitars in my collection and one I intend to hang onto.

The f-hole serial number label and the COA were missing. Perhaps one of the prior owners of JA 058 might allow me to recover it from them?

Email any information to: admin@jaguitar.org. Thanks!




Original Owner:  CCS
  Southern California
Original Owner:  Yes
Purchase Location:   Unknown

Alterations:  None

 058 is a stop tailpiece  in sunset glow.  Here's what owner CCS had to say about his new guitar.

I have played guitar for almost 40 years.  In this time I have owned many vintage and new guitars.  The   tone is great and the neck carve fits my hand and style of play  nicely.  This is a great guitar.

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