JA 062

Current Owner:  Al K.
Current Location:
  Seattle Washington
Original Owner: No
Purchase Location: Ebay
Alterations:  None

This guitar is currently for sale at "Marks Guitar Loft" http://www.marksguitarloft.com

062 now has a new home. Pete F from Toronto had to "thin the herd" and he sold it via Ebay to Al K. from Seattle Washington.  Al had this to say about his new axe: 
I've been playing professionally since 1971. I've always wanted 25.4" scale Gibson guitar, and was excited when I heard about the Johnny A.  It's a perfect mix of Les Paul and ES-335, and the longer scale lets you really dig in like with a Fender.  I was lucky enough to buy #062 in mint condition for a great price. I gigged with this guitar the same day I received and had a blast playing it.

062 is a first year production   guitar in Sunset glow with a stop tail piece.  It was originally sold on Ebay by a person in Conley Georgia for a great price and Pete from Toronto Canada picked up as the second owner.  Here's what Pete had to say about this guitar:"

I've been playing guitar since I was in grade three(1964).I played professionally from the age of 19-29. Since then I have been in semi-pro bands of many styles and played many sessions. I have owned a ridiculous amount of guitars over the years.  I think the Johnny A guitar is the first new successful design that Gibson has made in over a quarter century. you can see where it came from, (SG/Trini Lopez/335) and you can see the new stuff too. (25.5 scale/inlays/ size, etc.) I played my first gig with it on Sat. through my Jim Kelly and was extremely happy with the results. We cover a lot of ground musically with that band  and I never even thought about changing up guitars all night.  (very unusual for me). I can't wait to get out again and run it through it's paces. Pete F



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