JA 066 

Current Owner:  Andy P.
Current Location:
  Santa Clara, CA

JA 066 is a very interesting guitar.  Look closely and if you pay attention you'll discover this is a left handed Johnny A. Signature.   JA-066 is the only left handed example we are aware of at the moment.  The guitar is equipped with a Bigsby and is finished in sunset glow.    The person in the top photo is Geoffrey C. of the Gibson Custom Shop.  Here's what Andy, the new owner of this guitar has to say:

Gibson shipped my Johnny A last week, and I took delivery of it on Saturday.   This guitar is alive. It vibrates against me, like a Les Paul, but more. It interacts with the amp in really fun ways. It sounds great. And it is really, really beautiful.   This is an amazing instrument. I think I'll keep it.

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