Current Owner: Paul L.
Current Location:
  Avon Lake, Ohio

 073 was shipped from the Custom Shop on December 22nd, 2003.  It is a stop tailpiece, sunset glow finished, right handed guitar and is currently for sale.  The guitar was sold by Dave's Guitar Shop in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Here's what the new owner Paul had to say about it:  I have been playing off and on for forty years.  I am a player/collector.  I was looking at a Trini Lopez Custom when the I came across this guitar I looked at it for about three months before I bought it from Dave's Guitar.  Did not want the Bigsby not into it and the problems.  Right now I have (8) guitars: 1980 Ibanez Joe Pass, 1966 Epiphone Regent Triumph custom, 66 Epiphone Cortez, 34 Gibson Jumbo 1994 Centennial Reissue, 1992 Martin 000-16GTR, 2002 Taylor Nylon String 52ce, 2003 Carvin Strat.  This is a fun guitar and has become one of my favorites. Regards,Paul

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