JA 074

Current Owner: Charlie H.
Current Location:
  Boston MA
E-mail Address:
Original Owner:  Yes
Sold by: Guitar Adoptions, Wonder Lake, Il via Ebay
Yes.  I decided that I wanted aBigbsby tailpiece so I had one put on.  Love it. I also went with a Fishman Tune-O-Matic bridge to facilitate acoustic guitar type sounds.

JA 074 is a Stop Tail Piece equipped, right handed guitar finished in sunset glow.  Here's an interesting shot of this guitar before it even left the Custom Shop!   As can be seen this guitar isn't quite finished yet as it isn't equipped with tuning machines.   Below is a photo of the finished guitar you'll notice it still has it's protective paper over the pick guard.    If you end up owning this axe please let us know!!!   Here's what Charlie H. has to say about his guitar:

I am a professional guitarist/singer and bandleader in the Boston area. I have always admired Johnny A's work, both live and on recording. When I learned that Gibson developed an artist model in his name, I was quite intrigued. I picked up his 2nd CD the day it came out and loved not only the playing, but the sounds he was getting from this new guitar.  I took the plunge and bought one.  No. 74.

This axe knocks my socks off. Not only does it have a beautiful inherent sound, but it's versatility is second to none. A true reflection of the player for which it was named. I particularly love the result of the 25.5 scale neck on a Gibby with buckers. Sweet and thick yet cuts like a knife.  I perform in quite a variety of styles including Rockabilly, R&B, Swing, Pop, Funk and Reggae and the JA gets it all. Without question one of the finest electric guitars Gibson has ever produced. If I could afford another one, I'd buy it in a second and string it with flats.



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