JA 077

Current Owner:  Jack H.
Current Location:
  Indianapolis, Indiana
Original Owner: Yes
Purchase Location: Chicago Music Exchange
Alterations: None

JA 077 is a right handed Sunset glow finished guitar with a Bigsby.  Here's what it's owner Jack H. has to say about his guitar.

48 years old, been playing since the Beatles showed up on ed Sullivan (2/64).  own a number of guitars including '78 Les Paul Custom, '63 ES 330 TD, '92 Fender Ultra Strat, '74 Martin D35, '02 Gretsch Nashville, '98 ES 295 custom shop re-issue, '91 L5 CES - master model by Jim Triggs (this is my baby!) and of course, my Johnny A - SN 077, Bigsby equipped, sunset glow, purchased in '04 from Chicago Music Exchange.  I first heard JA on NPR a couple of years ago in an interview.  They played Wichita lineman and talked to him and I was mesmerized.  I bought the CD and began playing a whole different style of guitar.  I was thrilled when the book for STM came out and it is my "bible".  I anxiously await the Get Inside book. I have seen him twice in Indianapolis and got a chance to speak at length with him at his second gig.  NICE GUY!  I was disappointed that the very deaf sound man at the patio turned up the PA so loud that it detracted immensely from his playing and that of his band (note for future gigs - mug the sound man).  I bought my JA guitar as quickly as I could find one and absolutely love it, although the Bigsby is too stiff and makes it difficult to get the subtle tremolo he gets.  I will submit pics when i get a digital camera.  Jack in Indy


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