JA 080

Current Owner: Keith C.
Current Location:  CA
Original Owner: No

Purchased this from the previous owner in Prescott.  Had Phil at the Gibson historic restoration shop in Nashville install a new wiring harness and pickups including four-wire '57 pickups, coil taps and phase using push-pull pots.  Upgraded the caps as well.  Sounds absolutely amazing and is even more versatile than I ever hoped for.  I still have the original harness including pickups, pots, caps, etc. in case I ever want to restore to original spec.  Can't imagine why though.  Never thought I'd be able to get a 2 or 4 position Strat sound out of this guitar as well as classic JA and LP sounds.


Prev. Owner: Tom M.
Prev. Location:  AZ
Original Owner: No
Modifications: None

I have other amazing Gibson CS guitars and this one is in a league of its own.  
It's just that much better! 

Prev. Owner: John P.
Location:  Mayfield NY
Original Owner: No
Modifications: No


Prev. Owner: Troy K.
Prev. Location:  Wilmington DE
Where Purchased: Wilcutt Guitar

Original Owner: Yes

JA 080 is a Bigsby equipped, right handed guitar finished in sunset glow.   The top photo is the Custom Shops Geoff C.  This beautiful guitar was sold by Wilcutt Guitar in Lexington, KY.   Here's what it's proud owner Troy has to say about the guitar.  

I have been playing @15yrs, my other main guitar is a Baker BJC.  The JA appealed to me because it cornered the 335 vibe without the weight/lack of comfort that the 335 has.  I can do mellow jazz and screaming rock tones without hardly any feedback problems, it's very controllable.  Tuning was initially a small problem with the Bigsby, installed an Earvana nut and it has helped.



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