JA 082

Current Owner: Bob
Current Location:
 Hollywood, CA

I am the 3rd owner of this guitar. It has the 'roadworn' brand on the back of the headstock.

I have also returned it's original, yes slightly smeared, signed '03 pick-guard to it's case.

It sports a bakelite replica guard for daily use now.

Prev.Owner: Terry
Current Location:
  Royal Palm Beach, FL.

The original pickups were changed to Wolfetone Dr V's, which are heavenly & the original signature smeared, so it's been re-signed by JA with an '09 replacing the '03 !
Bought an aftermarket custom-cut pickguard to put on the guitar for playing.
Beautiful instrument !!!!


Prev. Owner: Joel
Prev. Location:
  Frisco Texas

This is a RARE one... the first owner was the Gibson Custom Shop where it was on display.

"Hi…I’m (Joel) the second owner of JA082.  The first owner bought the guitar direct from Gibson at the Custom Shop Roadworn auction.

The word “ROADWORN” is branded into the headstock.  It still has the signed pickguard. "

From Chris A. former JAR admin:
JA 082 is a Bigsby equipped, right handed guitar finished in antique natural.    We're not sure if this beautiful guitar is a custom order or what as of course antique natural isn't listed as an "official" color for these guitars.  That's Geoff C. and my Wife Connie A. (no relation to Johnny).  It's interesting to note the pick guard on this guitar is autographed by JA.  Note there is no truss rod cover on the guitar.



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