JA 087

Current Owner: Robin A.
Current Location:  St Albans, VT
Original Owner: No
Modifications: None
Where Purchased: Advance Music Centre

JA 087 is a Bigsby equipped, right handed guitar finished in sunset glow.    This guitar is on the final inspection and setup rack.   This is where it is played and the action set.  You'll notice that the Les Pauls in the photo don't feel worthy of leaning directly next to the JA. 

This guitar was originally owned by Mike T of Burlington Vermont. He purchased it via Advance Music Center. He was the original owner.  Here's what Mike had to say about this guitar:  I've been playing guitar since I was 12 or 13.  I own a 1972 ES-335, a 1994 Custom Shop Strat, An early Parker Fly, A 1986 Charvel Model 6, and a Breedlove Jumbo.  I own Advance Music Center in Burlington Vermont.  The Johnny A clinic was great and we were very excited to have him here.

Here's what new owner Robin A. has to say about his guitar:   I have been playing guitar for 25 years or so, and owned and sold several instruments throughout my life. I recently purchased JA087 from Mike at Advance Music in Burlington VT. I also own a 1961 Gibson Reissue SG, which is actually called a Les Paul for that year. I play both through my Soldano Hot Rod 50 plus, must I say more... What prompted me is easy, seeing Johnny play of course...



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