JA 096

Current Owner:  Tony G.
Current Location:  Douglas County, OR
Original Owner:  Yes
Purchase Location:   Unknown

Alterations:  None

JA 096 is a right handed guitar with a Bigsby and is finished in Sunset Glow. Here's a few words from its owner, Tony G.

I've played approx 40 yrs. My main instrument is steel, but lately I've been playing more 6-string. Other guitars include : Emmons D-10 p/p 8x5, PRS cu 22 BLE, Am Dlx Strat and B-Bender Tele.  This is "hands down" the best guitar I've ever owned (3Les pauls, 3 teles,4 strat, 3 PRSi) After widening several of the nut slots a tad, it now plays beautifully. The tone is "sparkly" yet "meaty"...."aggressive but articulate". This guitar excels at Jazz, country, blues and roots-rock equally I cannot put this thing down. My other guitars are now just gathering dust.




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