JA 102

Current Owner: Jeff V
Current Location:
  Magnolia, TX
Original Owner: Yes
Where Purchased: Dealer via Ebay
Alterations: None

JA 102 is a right handed, sunset glow finished guitar with a Bigsby. Here's what it's owner has to say about it! 

I have been playing (non-pro) for about 35 yrs.  I also own a 1987 Gibson Les Paul Lite with EMGs, 1 of 200 made, a 1978 Ibanez Artist, and my very first guitar - an early 60's Les Paul Junior which looks like an SG with one p/u.  I have owned my Johnny A for about 3 months and love it.  Its light, very versatile and presents a warm, rich tone.  I will enclose pictures later


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