JA 105

Current Owner:  William S.
Current Location:   Fayetteville, AR
Original Owner: No
Where Purchased: Ebay
Alterations: None

JA 105 is a right handed JA with a stop tailpiece and is finished in sunset glow! 

JA 105 was sold re-sold in January 2005 by it's original owner Trevor, of Redwood City, California.  Here's what it's current owner William S. has to say. 

My two main guitars are a Zion carve top maple T, and a Heritage 535 custom.  I am a rhythm and blues player and my group is called Ocie Fisher and the Hip Dogs.  I purchased this guitar within 3 weeks of becoming aware of its existence....I've always lusted after a Barney Kessel but thought that they were a bit too large for my purposes....the Trini Lopez model was also beautiful but I didn't care for the headstock.  Then I saw the Johnny A.  Holy Moly!!!!  I like the stop tail simply for tuning and sustain.  The flame top is easily a AAAA....totally killer.  Ok, I love this guitar, but those tuning keys....OUCH!!!!  Please, where's the locking tuners, in GOLD!!! My first real electric guitar was a 1968 Gibson SG Standard, which I purchased new in 1968, with all of my hard earned cash.  The tulip tuners were totally the mark of excellence in those days.  However, now we use LOCKING TUNERS.  Oh well, probably not a good idea to change anything....but hey, where are the locking tuners?  But the body, the sound, the killer neck and inlays....man, Gibson can really do it when they put their minds to it.

Here's a few words from Trevor who was the original owner of this guitar: 

I've had my eye on a JA for some time and finally took the plunge. This is a fantastic guitar. Beautiful work by Johnny and the folks at Gibson. I love playing this thing! Check out the photos of this wonderful guitar!

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