JA 110

Current Owner: Gitfiddler (Tim E.)
Current Location:
  San Francisco
Original Owner: Yes
Purchase Location:
Wildwood Guitars
Alterations: None

JA 110 is a beautiful right handed, antique natural finish guitar with a Bigsby. Simply stunning!!!  Here's what Tim has to say about this guitar.

After falling for stoptail JA 54, I had to have a Bigsby model too.  Steve Mesple of Wildwood Guitars had a special run of Antique Natural and Quilt tops and I fell in love all over again!  JA 110 is one killer gitfiddle!  I absolutely love the incredible sonic range of the Johnny A!  It goes from mellow jazz to screaming rock at the flip of a switch and twist of a knob.  No other guitar I've played has its versatility and punch.  My only regret is that I did not own this great axe when I produced my last CD project, (Lady C. "This Lady Sings!"  http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ladyc ).  The JA would have eliminated all but the acoustic guitars in the studio.

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