JA 118

Current Owner: Davess23
Current Location: Marblehead MA

Prev. Owner: Jeffrey D.

Prev. Location:  San Luis Obispo County
Original Owner:  Yes
Purchase Location:  Unknown
Alterations:  Unknown

JA 118 is a right handed guitar in sunset glow with a stop tail piece.  Here's what owner Jeffrey D. has to say about his new guitar: 

I played guitar from age 13 to about 25, and then stopped until about 7 years ago (I'm in my late 40s).  Some things came back to me, other things are gone for good.  It's more fun than ever, though.  In addition to the JA, I own a few PRSs, a Suhr T-style, and a Don Grosh S-style guitar.  Mainly, I play blues, with a bit of country here and there.  In my search for the right hollow-body tone, I was looking for the note definition of the longer, 25.5" scale.  Of course, everyone wants a beautiful guitar, and the JA delivers there too.  The variety of tones that can be coaxed from the middle position (by using the two volume and tone controls) is very gratifying.  Just a great guitar.  Thanks, Johnny and Gibson

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