JA 129

Current Owner: Jan N.
Current Location:
  Stockholm Sweden
Original Owner: Yes
Purchase Location: Wildwood Guitars
Alterations: None

JA 129 looks like a guitar on fire with its incredible quilted finish.  A simply beautiful guitar and the second Johnny A. we know of that has made it to Europe!  Our Nordic friends have exquisite taste in guitars and music!   I wonder if Ole Wilhelm from Norway and Jan N. will get together and JAM!!!!

Here's what Jan has to say about his Johnny A. Guitar.

I bought my guitar from Steve Mesplé a couple of month ago and I just love it! I have recently asked him to get me another one - this time with a stop-bar - and install Gibson P94´s. I think the picture and the sound of the guitar speaks for itself. A big hello to all JA-enthusiasts all over the world and of course to the great Johnny A himself.


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