JA 131

Current Owner: Norm B.
Current Location:
  Rutherford, NJ
Original Owner:  Yes
Purchase Location:  Wildwood Guitars
Alterations: None

JA 131 is a beautiful quilt top guitar in sunset glow finish, right handed with Bigsby. It was purchased by Norm who lives in Rutherford NJ.  Here's what he had to say: 

I've been playing since the '60s and have some really great guitars.  Here you can see the Gibsons.  I first saw the Johnny A on the Gibson site and fell immediately in love. I knew without playing one or hearing one that it was exactly what I was looking for.  I got Johnny's 1st cd.  And then started searching for the guitar.  I found it at Wildwood Guitars and was blessed to be in time to make the purchase. It's all I hoped for and more than I expected...   O yeah!



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