JA 135

Current Owner: Chris H.
Current Location:
  Stockton California
Original Owner: Yes
Purchase Location:  Wildwood Guitars
Alterations: None  
JA 135
was sold by Wildwood, another stunning quilt top sold by Wildwood. Here's what owner Chris H. has to say about his new axe. Chris has kindly sent in a few photos of his guitar in addition to a shot of him with his JA, plus his girl Lana with JA.  Check em  out!

After seeing Johnny live, I was so blown away that words can't describe what an experience it was! I knew I had to have one of these beautiful guitars especially since I did not own a hollowbody. I happened upon the fine folks at Wildwood (Steve) and was very fortunate to score on this rare Quilt top beauty! I've been playing for 15+ yrs. and this is by far the most special one in my collection which includes a Custom shop Strat, Flame top Les Paul, PRS custom 22, Martin HD-28, etc. These JA's are truly a very high quality and unique sounding guitar for a humbucker based axe. Extremely versatile and light too! Now I'm jones'n for another one! God help me!!   





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