JA 138

Current Owner:  Richard H.
Current Location:  New York, NY

Original Owner: Yes
Purchase Location: Music Zoo
Alterations: None

JA 138 is a very cool quilted black guitar with Bigsby! I dig this guitar!!!  Here's what it's owner Richard has to say: 

#138 is a beautiful trans/black, quilted maple top, w/Bigsby. hadn't planned on spending the x-tra cash for the quilted maple top, but but the feel of the guitar suited me better than the others I tried, where I purchased it, from 'music zoo'  in little neck ny.I write songs. by passion, not by trade.  have owned a lot of guitars over the years.  but this one's different. the 'JA'  is like a work of art.  (it's appearance can be distracting). The sound...resonates, the strings sustain...(they sing).  It's probably the closest an instrument has come  to fulfilling all of my (creative) needs. (the night is long. the dream begins to take shape)...

I grew up in the Bronx. in Manhattan now for 20 odd years. there's never been a lacking for bands.
guitarists, (are a dime a dozen).  every once in awhile someone stands out.  someone with substance, soul, & technique as well. i.e.: (JA)  the more I looked at the Gibson/JA site...listened to the CD,
I got hooked, obsessed. this guitar is like a woman that you know is too good for you.  This guitar is like a mood planting roots in your head. & her sound is an ocean flowing under things we said 
C-Richard Handwerk 6.17.04 - 1220am


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