JA 143

Current Owner:  Greg E.
Current Location:
   Sacramento, California
Original Owner: Yes
Purchase Location: Music Machine
Alterations: None

JA 143 was recently sold by Music Machine to Greg E. in California. It's a lovely hard tail guitar with nice flame!  Here's what Greg has to say about his Johnny A. guitar: 

I have been playing guitar for about 11 years. I own a few Taylors, Martins, PRS's, and Gibson Custom Shop Les Pauls. JA #143 is magical. In my hands it feels so comfortable, my eyes never tire of its color and shape, and my ears always tend to hear the many different tones and shades of this great guitar. You can express many moods with it. Many nice warm tones, perfect for jazz and blues.
I first heard of the guitar from Sean Nicholson of the Gibson Custom Shop, while one of my Les Pauls was being repaired. Ernie King of the Gibson Custom Shop also recommended it.  I have not met Johnny A. but am looking forward to it. I am so happy to be a JA owner.




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