JA 159

Current Owner:   Joe Valosay
Current Location:
Gig Harbor, WA

Original Owner:  Yes
Purchase Location:  Direct from Custom Shop
Alterations: None

JA 159 is a cool guitar.  It's a right handed Bigsby equipped guitar in sunset glow.   While I was hanging out at the Gibson Custom Shop I  actually found this guitar prior to it being assembled and took a few photos. I was very surprised to find Joe with it at the NAMM show. He was kind enough to let me photograph it for the JAR.  No comments from Joe on the guitar but he dug it and  earlier in the day Johnny A. stopped by and played the guitar.  Joe works for Speedster amps and was using the JA as one of the demo guitars.  You can find out more about speedster by visiting
www.speedsteramps.com   Here's a shot of Joe  with JA 159 at the NAMM show and Karen, one  of  the professionals who build these wonderful instruments at the Custom Shop showing off 159 before it left the shop.



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