JA 163R

Current Owner:  Russ L.
Current Location:
  Emerald City, Kansas
Original Owner: Yes
Purchase Location:  Unknown
Alterations: None

JA 163 is a stunning Sunset glow guitar with a Bigsby, it's right handed and here's the story of how Russ came to own her!!!   

Started driving myself nuts with a web of six strings in the mid '60's.  It worked.  Mostly a blues-rock player in the vein of Savoy Brown, pre-females Fleetwood Mac, Clapton, Climax Blues Band, Allman,s, Delaney and Bonnie, Fabulous T-birds, etc.  I do actually still own a single-coil guitar, but it hasn't seen the light of day in so long I'm sure the sea foam green on that Strat has faded to white and it's gone blind. 

Love the Johnny A - how could you not?  What a classic beauty.  What delicate grace and nuveau style.  You should hear that freakin' mother scream bleeding ears through my Hiwatt.  On the other hand, it really loves my TopHats with their rich, woody blues voices.

My modest collection of about 20 guitars and a dozen amps is down to around 10 and 7, but I've culled out the stuff I could bear to part with and kept what I couldn't part with.  Current favorites are my INCREDIBLE Hamer Monaco (Hamer USA - the BEST workmanship in a USA production guitar) spruce top - very like the JA, but not as highly ornamented and I wish it had an ebony board.  What a great playing, well balanced instrument!  Also play my ES 137 a lot because I love the throaty sound of the '57 P/U's in that body, my lone remaining LP (an '01 blackback standard), and an old Dan Armstrong that I use to shed tension. 

Saw the JA's first on the web.  Looked like something I would adjust to easily.  Found a good price on one through a dealer I met in San Diego and was considering ordering it.  Saw Johnny A do a show outdoors for about 500 people at the local zoo, and convinced myself if I owned one I would soon be playing just like him!  I'll give it another week or so. . .

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