JA 170

Current Owner:  Wendell B.
Current Location:
  Bellbrook, Ohio
Original Owner:  Yes
Purchase Location:  Rivendell Guitars via Ebay

Alterations:  None

JA 170 is a right handed guitar with a Bigsby in sunset glow!  It was sold on Ebay by Rivendell Guitars to it's current owner.  Here's what Wendell has to say about his new guitar:

I've been playing for almost 35 years. I have 10 Strats and Teles, a Les Paul Custom, a Gibson Melody Maker, Guild X170 jazz box, Takamine Santa Fe, Aria, Yamaha, Peavey, etc, etc...and I usually play through either a Fender Cyber Twin or a Marshall DSL401. When Johnny A's first CD came out, I heard "Oh Yeah" and I was hooked. I went to see him when he appeared in Dayton, OH and that's when I saw the guitar. I searched high and low until I found a new one. I've learned several JA tunes and I'm working on more. I love his style and phrasing.


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