JA 184

Current Owner:    Mark L.
Current Location:
   San Diego, CA 
Original Owner:     Yes
Purchase Location:   
 Garrett Park Guitars, MD
Alterations: None

 184 is a beautiful Sunset Glow JA with a stop tail piece.  Here's what her owner has to say about her:   Well I have had my JA for about  6 months or so and finally got around to registering it. What a fantastic instrument!
This is the coolest thing Gibson has produced in years!  The neck carve is just killer.  Many props to Johnny A for such a killer design. :D  I bought this guitar because it has a 25.5 scale neck, ebony board,  and solid woods for the body.  As a huge fan of Trey Anastasio from PHISH I really dig the tone he gets.  The JA guitar is about the closest thing available from the major  guitar builders that has some of the same features as Trey's guitar.   In the future I will own several JA's but for now I am extremely happy  with JA 184. Everybody that has played it had been really impressed!




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