JA 190

Current Owner:   Mark K.
Current Location:
   Springfield, Ohio
Original Owner:   Yes
Purchase Location:  
 Dave's Guitars, Wisconsin
Alterations:  None

JA 190 is a gorgeous trans-black guitar with a Bigsby and was sold in November 2004 by Daves guitars in Wisconsin. Visit
www.davesguitar.com   The new owner of JA 190 had this to say about his new guitar:

I have been playing over 25 years, I currently play in a blues/60-70's band.  My favorite guitarist include Mike Stern, Johnny A, Albert Lee and Danny Gatton. I have several Tele's, a John Suhr strat and an Albert Lee Music man.  I saw the transparent black and really like the looks and hadn't seen others in this color.  The tone is awesome and so playable.  I had a 335, but did not like the smaller scale.  This is the finest guitar I have played.

Check out the additional photos below including Mark with his guitar.

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