JA 192

Current Owner:    Arni K. (third owner) 
Previous Owners: Original owner unknown, 2nd Owner was Tom I. Ramona California.
Current Location:
  Ramona California
Original Owner:   No
Purchase Location:  Originally sold by Wildwood Guitars, then sold on Ebay, then sold at Rivendell guitars
Subsequently sold on Ebay in Nov, 2004. 

Alterations:  None

I saw Johnny A in Atlanta two years ago as the opening act for Jimmy Vaughn. I had the opportunity to chat with JA and he was extremely cordial and quite humble.  I have been playing for 40 years. Hearing Johnny A play rekindled the desire to play and study again. Subsequently I started a small online guitar salon and I have had the opportunity to sell a few JA guitars. When this one came into the shop I was a goner. I get to play some remarkable guitars, so if I plunk down my money on something, it's pretty damn good. I also play a Lowden, Bill Gagnon, Brian Hendley and a Nueva by George Gorodnitski.  I have not had a lot of time to play this one, however the short time I have played it plugged-in, I have been amazed at the harmonic richness. I don't remember playing a Gibson that responded to tone variations and pick attack like this guitar.   Complaints? Sure. Gibson still need to discover what quality control means. These are expensive guitars. Number 192 is the best one I have seen as far as build flaws. However, it is not perfect and for the price they charge, anything less than perfect is unacceptable. Are you listening Gibson?   Also (this is a personal preference) have you guys ever thought of binding the "F" holes? Ge`ez, how much could that cost?   I sell D'Aquisto's and D'Angelicos. They are less expensive than this guitar and their quality should cause the Gibson Custom Shop hide under their workbenches. Yeah I know I'm ranting, but I'm old and grumpy so deal with it.  I will post some photos at the first opportunity.  Thanks to the webmasters for creating and maintaining this great resource! 

JA 192 was sold originally by Wildwood guitars and was subsequently sold on Ebay.  Here's what it's 2nd owner Tom had to say about this beautiful guitar.   I've been playing guitar as a serious hobby for 35+years.  I recently picked up some of JA's cd's which turned my attention to the guitars that he helped design.  i have a custom ordered CS 336 with a stop tail  which i really enjoy ,so this guitar with a Bigsby and somewhat similar design should complement   it well.  God bless.  tom I.

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