JA 205

Current Owner:  Dave O.
Current Location:
  Washington DC
Original Owner:  Yes
Purchase Location:   Wildwood

Alterations:  None

JA 205 is a beautiful sunset glow finished guitar with a Bigsby. It was purchased from Wildwood Guitars by Dave O.  Here's what he has to say about this instrument.

Purchased from Steve Mesple' at Wildwood in November 2004 (fotos are from Wildwood, sorry I don't have one of the S/N).  Beautiful sounding and beautiful looking instrument.  Kudos to Gibson Custom Shop - they're doing a tremendous job on these guitars.  To me, jazz, blues, and fingerstyle all sound great on this guitar, there's little need to set it down to get the "sound" right.  I'm 36 and I've been playing intermittently about 15 years and have a few other guitars, but none of this level of build and sound quality.  Peace.

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