JA 223

Current Owner:    Jan N.
Current Location:
Original Owner:    Yes
Purchase Location:   
 Wildwood Guitars
Alterations:    Yes: P94 pickups installed by Wildwood at owners request

 223 is said to be an "Antique Natural", right handed JA with a stop tail piece. Only the second Antique Natural without a Bigsby to my knowledge.  Here's what Jan from Sweden has to say about his second JA. 

This is my second JA, and was also bought from Wildwood, which also added Gibson P-94´s on my request before shipping the guitar. The pick up-configuration takes this guitar one step further and makes it even more sweet sounding and soulful. "brilliant idea...this is one of the greatest sounding guitars I ever have sold", was Steve Mesplés comment.

The pickups are built around the legendary Gibson P-90, just with a little more bite. The best way to learn more - and listen to them - is to visit the Gibson site. To my ears they just sounds fantastic! They give my JA a warm glassy tone - great for jazz and blues. In my opinion they also are more expressive than a humbucker - just turn the volume down and the tone melts like butter. On full throttle they have a lot of attitude and attack. I think that a JA and pair of P 94´s is a perfect match. The way that this wonderful guitar is designed, it's a killer. But with this configuration it's lethal. Try it...

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