JA 227

Current Owner:   Robert.
Current Location:
Original Owner:    No
Purchase Location:   
Alterations:    None

Ever since discovering the Music of Johnny A, I have wanted one of these guitars. My girlfriend and I were at home one day and I was surfing for JA's on ebay. As she walked by I tried to cover the screen but she knew what I was up to. She said, "Why don't you just place a bid, you've wanted one of those for a long time"! Well......The next hour we both watched and analyzed the whole ebay process, hoping no one would bid higher. The good news, as you can see, is that I am now the proud owner of JA 227! I have a few other guitars but.......This guitar sounds and plays like a dream. And yes right after I won the guitar I asked my girlfriend to marry me.

Who could let a woman like that go?


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