JA 246

Current Owner:  Pat G.
Current Location:
  Poolesville, MD
Original Owner:  Yes
Purchase Location:   Wildwood Guitars

Alterations:  None

JA 246 is a lovely quilt top trans-black guitar with a Bigsby. It was purchased in December 2004 from Wildwood.  Here's what Pat has to say about his new guitar:  
It's fate.. I've been searching for the right arch-top for about a year now.  Steve at Wildwood Guitars called with a surprise, the Custom Shop was about to ship him a trans black with Bigsby that "Has a bit of quilting."  Boy does it.  What a beauty!    I'll update this when I get it.. Steve wanted to delay shipment until the weather warmed up some.  Good things come to those who wait.  Other than a couple little scuffs on the very nicely constructed case, everything is absolutely gorgeous.  Plays like a dream.  Intonation is dead on.  Action is nice and fast on a flat neck with beautiful fretwork, inlays and binding.  The neck profile is nowhere near the clunkyness of the competition, feels very comfortable.  The workmanship is impeccable and it has the versatility I had hoped for.  I was playing Jerry G, Eric(s), Jimi, SRV and even finger picking quieter stuff with a minimum of adjustment.  Feedback is there only when I want it and can be controlled easily.  It's my first Bigsby and I was concerned about holding the tuning but after a few re-tunes (new strings)  it holds its tune just fine.  It does have a pretty snug nut that I expect will loosen up, I hear an occasional ping when tuning or bending but otherwise tuning is smooth and precise.  The guitar is just a tad smaller and a lot louder than I had expected but it fits me and my eclectic playing style perfectly.  It  reminds me of a PRS Hollow body a bit and a 335 of course but its tone is much nicer.  It's rich, woody and much more versatile.  I wanted hollow but didn't want to be stuck with a one pure jazz tone or not be able to crank it up.  I got my wish.  This is one helluva chunk of wood!!!    Wildwood Guitars and Steve Mesple get my highest  recommendation, as well as the Custom Shop guys and Johnny A.  Way to go everybody!    JA 246 has a home.


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