JA 248

Current Owner:  Douglas R.
Current Location:
  Pasedena CA
Original Owner:  Yes
Purchase Location:   Dave's Guitars, La Crosse Wisconsin

Alterations:  None

JA 248 is a very sharp looking Stop Tail Piece, right-handed JA in Sunset glow! was sold in January 2005 to Douglas R. Here's what he has to say about his axe.  

I first started playing in college, and have played off and on ever since.  For years, I coveted the Barney Kessel, with its double Florentine cut-away look.  When I saw the JA, I was blown away.  Cosmetically, it was a big improvement over the BK.  But how did it sound and feel?  Reading the Registry was helpful, as well as the review on Guitar Player:  I bought mine without having touched it (like a lot of you did).  I bought mine from Dave's (thanks Casey) and it arrived from the frozen North to sunny So Cal on a two-day trip.  I had to wait 24 hours before opening the case, talk about torture.  So, today, I opened it up and behold, the beast was unleashed.  Great finish work (although the posts on two of the pots seem bent!) and the neck feel is good: wide and not too thin.  Plugged in, wow...  Humbuckers with a 25.5 inch scale is a revelation - cuts and burns through blues, jazz, rock and rockabilly.  Thanks Gibson, and thanks Johnny A!

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