JA 250

Current Owner:   Rusty R.
Current Location:
   Puyallup, WA
Original Owner:    Yes
Purchase Location:   
Alterations:    None


After 7 years of performing live with my JA250.

It is amazing to me that this guitar has not become more popular than it is today.

I sometimes look at every guitar Gibson has to offer and I haven't found any I would trade to play.

I have done a few mods that I would do on any guitar like graphite saddles and nut, tuning machines, and fine tuner stop tail.

I play live regularly with my JA. I have sold all my LPs and ESs because they don't get played.

If I lost my JA I would do whatever it takes get another one, legally.

Thanks Gibson, Johnny A and The Lord!




Pretty new still yet, but so far I really love the guitar. Owning one is the only way to understand our joy. Gigs soon coming up so can give a better report afterwards. However I am having a little problem with intonation. My local Luthy should help. Feel free to email. rustyrobins@msn.com 



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