JA 269

Current Owner:    Larry O.
Current Location:
    Napa California
Original Owner:    Yes
Purchase Location:   
 Wildwood Guitars
Alterations:    None

 269 is a stunning flame top, sunset glow guitar.  It's right handed and has a Bigsby. It is owned by Larry O who had the following thoughts about his new axe.

I play vintage, my main guitar is a '52 tele. I have always had a 345 around and when I saw the review in Guitar Player I was intrigued. Then I heard and saw JA at a small club where I work. I decided to get my first brand new guitar in 25 years and I'm glad I did.This thing is pure art right down to the fat handle on the case. I'm in love. Been playing over 40 years...did a stint with Ike and Tina and Bobby Womack among many others good, bad and ugly.   Got an instrumental CD out in Iceland.



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