JA 276

Current Owner:    Steve T.
Current Location:
    Langley, Washington
Original Owner:    Yes
Purchase Location:   Alto Music, Middletown, NY
Alterations:    None

JA276 is a beautiful guitar with a Bigsby. It's right handed and you can tell Steve loves this guitar! Here's what Steve said about his axe.

JA #276 arrived on 02/16/05 and she is simply delicious, wonderful and was well worth the 5 month wait. I've not seen a more beautiful guitar. Her clarity and tone are noticeably warmer and more present than the'73 335 that has been my main gig axe for 7 yrs. My Strats and Big Red are gonna be a bit lonely. The JA fits like a glove and the Bigsby restores a subtle expressiveness I've been secretly craving. Of all the instruments I've ever played or owned over the last 40 years of performing, this is THE one. She got the mojo.




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