JA 290 

Current Owner:    Jan
Current Location:
   Stockholm Sweden
Original Owner:    Yes
Purchase Location:   
 Wildwood Guitars
Alterations:    None

 290 is Jan's third JA Guitar and he purchased it from Steve at Wildwood guitars. Here's what Jan has to say about his newest axe:  I have been playing guitar for almost 40 years and i am a  geat fan of Leslie West, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Joe Walsh, Freddie King and of course Johhny A. These guys have all been my influences as well as Nysse Nystoem - the one and only!    I have studied music and played in several groups as well as produced some records for the Swedish market and worked for EMI Music Publishing in the early 80īs. Now i make my living as a copywriter. I have a few other guitars - Gibsons, Don Grosh, PRS and Santa Cruz.  JA 290 is the 3rd JA that Steve Mesple - the greatest - has picked up for me. This guitar sings and is very resonant and lively. It has lotīs of tone and sounds and plays like a dream.
Play on!





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