JA  293

Current Owner:    Chuck W.
Current Location:
    Wisconsin, USA
Original Owner:    No
Purchase Location:   Direct from previous owner

Alterations:    None

Chuck W.  from Wisconsin is the owner of this great guitar. Fittingly he purchased it from Chris while they were at a JA gig in Indianapolis!

Chris A (of the JAR) purchased this guitar in July from Jeff.  Chris intended to keep the axe but an expense at his office popped up so he decided to sell it.  Here's what he said about the guitar: Not only is it the first JA goldtop, it's a great playing guitar, solid and full of tone...like all of them!!!  

JA  293 was originally purchased from Music Machine in 2005 by Jeff R. of Fishers Indiana.  This guitar is the first gold top JA. In June, Jeff decided to sell this guitar and I happened to be at the right place at the right time. Here's what Jeff had to say about the guitar when he purchased it.

I accidentally stumbled across this particular JA model a few days ago while surfing the net and I just had to have it.  I've been playing guitar off/on since 1975 and have always loved Gibson guitars.  I've been following Johnny A a for few years now and I was very interested in his signature model when it first came out.  I went to see JA live here in Indianapolis in 2004 and was blown away by the sounds of his signature guitar - and wanted one ever since... but I decided to hold out for something unusual and I believe I've found just that!  I've always secretly loved Gold Tops, but never have owned one... until now.  It's a very well made instrument and I'm extremely happy to have it in my arsenal of guitars (and it also looks great parked beside my 1975 Les Paul red sparkle deluxe!)
JR  (The photos below are of Jeff, (the original owner) and the goldtop JA 293.  It now hangs out with my sunset glow JA040 and my white JA 106.



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