JA 616

Current Owner: Dave
Current Location:
Purchase Location: Tom
Alterations: None

I bought this guitar from Tom this morning. It is still all original and in perfect, like-new condition. 
As soon as I heard Johnny A play one last fall, I knew it was the guitar for me. 
Ahhh, the tone! 



First Owner: Tom
Original Owner: Yes
Purchase Location:  L & M Music, Chattanooga, TN
Alterations: None Yet

Sweet guitar! 
I plan on doing some minor mods to it however...
I'll be replacing the Classic 57's with a set of TV Jones humbucker size Magnatrons, 
replacing the tuners with a set of Tonepros locking version Klusons (providing the posts are the same length), 
and swapping out the truss rod cover with a plain one. 
Also thinking of going all-nickel with the hardware, which would mean swapping out the Bigsby for one in nickel, 
but I haven't decided for sure on this yet.  




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